#leon strohl x will metaphor
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marshsano · 2 months ago
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i realized i have free will and can draw whatever i want. so strowill kiss it is
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spectralarrovv · 19 days ago
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regular couple, yaoi couple, yuri couple
i see no difference, love is love!
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twilicidity · 4 months ago
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StroWill 🗣🗣🗣
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geckosliktheireyes · 27 days ago
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Yall know I have a problem
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spiritmatsu · 2 months ago
Will and Strohl Spinning Pixel Art
Happy New Year~ Will and Strohl spinning into the new year~
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dexjarxenoengage · 4 months ago
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Royal Archetype Symbolism:
This will be major spoilers for the endgame of Metaphor Refantazio from 9/24 onwards. Do not read this if you don’t want spoilers from here on or the entire game for that matter.
The Royal Archetypes are the final Archetypes to be unlocked in the game. They are some of the strongest Archetypes in the game and are exclusive to the respective party members. I.e., Royal Warrior for Strohl, Royal Knight for Hulkenburg, etc.
With the exception of The Prince (which is unlocked automatically and is their own Archetype separate from the Seeker), the Royal Archetypes are essentially Prime Personas. To give an example, Orpheus Telos from Persona 3 FES onwards is a reference to Prime Personas in Persona 2, which serve as mid tier evolutions for the Personas. Royal Warrior, among others, are the “Prime Persona” counterparts to their initial forms.
Furthermore, the Royal Archetypes requires the Max Rank 8 in the bonds of your allies.
I mainly want to talk about the requirements for each Royal Archetypes and how they take after to the Followers of the respective Followers that embodies said Archetypes:
This includes the following:
• Samurai + Warlord = Royal Warrior
• Paladin + Dark Knight + Elemental Master = Royal Knight
• Ninja + Dragoon + Tycoon = Royal Thief
• Persona Master + Trickster = Royal Masked Dancer
• Devil Summoner + Soul Hacker = Royal Summoner
• Destroyer + Martial Artist = Royal Berserker
So based on these requirements needed to unlock the Royal Archetypes not named Prince, you notice how each of the Archetypes are the final forms that are linked to many followers of the game. Warlord is Bardon, Elemental Master is Gallica, Dragoon and Tycoon are Neuras and Brigitta respectively, Trickster is Alonzo, and Martial Artist is Catherina.
Soul Hacker is an interesting case; while the Seeker Archetype is embodied by More, Will (the Protagonist) is the one who awoken to the Archetype. And even then, it makes sense once you realize that More is the deceased King Hythlodaeus V who is the father of the Prince Will. Ergo, Will inherited the Seeker Archetype from his father.
This post’s main purpose is to show how each character foils to the Followers who have the Archetypes that ties to the requirements for the Royal Archetypes. Be it their tribes, personalities, role in their stories and roles in Will’s ascension to the throne, etc.
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⁃ Strohl and Bardon; the way of the Royal Warrior’s sword:
◦ Bardon’s Archetype embodiment is the Commander linage (where Warlord stems from), which focuses on strategy by hitting elemental weaknesses and bypassing resistance via Almighty attack, buffing party members and attacking advantage of the front and back rows. This fits perfectly with Strohl being the main strategist of the party. Starting with the Heismay Arc until halfway through the Altabury Arc, Strohl has been shown being the one to plan out each strategy Will and Co. have for the Tournament for the Throne.
◦ Both Strohl and Bardon deal with the burden of their respective countrymen in their own ways. Strohl’s story resolves around wishing to avenge the death of his parents and the victims of Halia (a village that was destroyed by a Human attack). Bardon is a Guardsman for the village of Martira and becomes their leader after the events of exposing the true culprit behind the kidnappings (Joanna, not Heismay).
◦ Strohl’s follower story focuses on his efforts to help the survivors of the village, an owe to his creed as a noble to help people in need. While Bardon must face his own struggles in helping the people of Martira. Later in Bardon’s Bond, we are tasked with fighting the same Human that we had to escape from the butt before Martira shares the same fate as Halia.
◦ Both Strohl and Bardon are good people, but quick to anger. When all is said and done, they bare a great burden to the people that they feel they failed to protect. Be it the victims of Halia or the people in Martira who suffered from the kidnappings Joanna caused. And by the end, they learn not to shoulder their burdens alone as they both make their deceased predecessors’ proud.
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⁃ Hulkenburg and Gallica; wisdom of the Royal Knight’s shield:
◦ Hulkenburg is of the Knight Archetype, while Gallica (while she can’t fight, is still considered to be a party member) is of the Mage Archetype. Hulkenburg’s introduction in the party is when Synthesis Skills (where Archetypes grant power to another Archetype for a team attack) is unlocked. Later stages of the Mage Archetype have skills that better the usages of Synthesis Skills (Wizard’s Arcane Unity and Elemental Master’s Magic Link). Synthesis Skills are about teamwork and the bonds of friendship, as well as strategies in the Archetypes you use.
◦ Both Hulkenburg and Gallica are devoted in their mission to save the prince, and they are both unwavering in their loyalties to those they devoted their power and trust to. However, the truth behind the prince’s identity and the true culprit behind the curse alludes them. The Prince was Will all along and was cursed by Rella, not Louis. And also, both of them knew Grius/Alces longer than anyone else and are heavily impacted by his death and the fight against his undead self.
◦ Even after learning the truth among other truths, their devotion to the true prince (Will) only became stronger than it ever was before. Hulkenburg is delighted to know that Will was the Prince the whole time and that everything she did wasn’t in vain. And Gallica learns that the memory of her and Will being long time friends was just a fabrication. This doesn’t stop Gallica from being Will’s friend and would continue to devote herself to him of her own volition.
◦ Beyond that, they both have self deprecation issues as far as their roles are concerned. Gallica has been shown very early into the game that she wishes to help Will as much as possible and feels regret when he’s in danger. And Hulkenburg doubts her role as a knight for not being able to save the prince. Will seems to be an emotional button for them as well. Hulkenburg turns into a grieving mess when the original prince is found dead during the events of 9/24. And when Will dies by crushing his vessel to prevent his second Human transformation at Louis’s hand, poor Gallica is left crying over his fresh corpse.
◦ Overall, in their own ways, both Gallica and Hulkenburg have Will as their emotional guide because the two of them are devoted to him in their own ways.
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⁃ Heismay, Neuras and Brigitta; the Royal Thief’s walk of atonement:
◦ Heismay, Neuras and Brigitta are interesting combination of characters to talk about considering that all of their Archetypes play wildly different roles. A Thief, a Gunner and a Merchant. How exactly do all of these Archetypes work to fit with the requirements for the Royal Thief archetype?
◦ It’s not necessarily the gameplay that tied them together. It’s their respective roles in who they are as people. What do I mean by this? It’s simple, Heismay, Neuras and Brigitta are all adult followers. And as adults, they have their own personal burdens that ends with them resolving to ensure that the younger generation doesn’t pay the price for the old ones’ mistakes.
◦ Both Heismay and Brigitta are both cynical about the world around them as a result of their backstories: Heismay lost his child to a Paripus riot, while Brigitta was a street urchin who became cynical of the ways of the world. It’s thanks to Will’s actions that both of them begin to find hope and walk out of their respective dark paths.
◦ Heismay and Neuras are both the only known characters in the team that actually drink. Neuras has been drunk a few times, while Heismay is very careful with how much alcohol he consumes. He only became drunk when he ate the Dragon’s Tear (not that he could have known its properties until was too late).
◦ On a more serious note, while both of their sidequests and stories resolve around certain items (Heismay’s son’s remains and the Relics), both of their Bond stories end with a resolution regarding them. Heismay decides to turn his son’s urn into a necklace with Eupha’s help, while Neuras destroys the relics after realizing their world destroying properties. So in a way, both Heismay and Neuras learn from the past so that the future won’t be affected by it later on.
◦ To me, Heismay serves as the adult figure of the group that Grius initially served. Some may say that Grius’s death unintentionally undermines that message of equality between the races as the team loses their only Rhoag representative. While I can understand the sentiment, Grius’s spirit remains with the cast through other characters like Maria. Heismay and Neuras serves as the adult figures for the team twice over, and Brigitta, while not a party member, is a fellow Rhoag that knew Grius.
◦ Heismay finds similar themes with Neuras and Brigitta through the fact that they are the adult figures that fills the void Grius left behind. His spirit is with us through various ways, and it shows here.
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⁃ Junah and Alonzo: the Royal Masked Dancer’s hidden depths:
◦ Junah and Alonzo both are of the Nidia tribe, often deem by other tribes as deceiving, lying scum. And it’s not hard to see why they get the reputation. Both Junah and Alonzo both use deception in their own way, but they both do it for greater good.
◦ Junah is acting as an undercover agent on Louis’ side, working to find a way to break the prince’s curse. While Alonzo uses his deception to help Will, acting as the future King’s intelligence advisor. Both also have adoptive family members of different races that ultimately die in their stories (For Junah, Rella who is an Ishika, and Alonzo’s mother who was a Paripus). And Junah and Alonzo’s actions going forward are in their memories.
◦ Their respective Archetypes in Masked Dancer and Faker both have final forms that serve as a reference to the Persona games: Persona Master takes after mainly Persona 3 and 4, while Trickster mainly takes after 5. Persona Master’s main Synthesis Skill is shown to be reference to both 3 and 4 via the Tarot Cards, the Invokers that SEES uses (which are guns) and cut ins. While Trickster is based on what P5’s Joker is often called in the story: “A Trickster.”
◦ Junah and Alonzo both aspire to be beacons of hope to those around them in their own ways and are good people at the end of the day. Junah’s singing is what gives her hope, and she wishes to spread that hope to others. While Alonzo uses his lies to help the people around him, even if they deem him a “parasite.”
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⁃ Eupha and Will (son of More): the Royal Summoner’s journey through life:
◦ I have already made a post on how the Seeker linage being the prerequisite to evolve the Summoner Archetype is fitting with Eupha’s growing love for Will throughout their bond: https://www.tumblr.com/jaredxenoengage/765352399442526208/i-love-that-euphas-archetype-summoner-requires but let’s see if there is more to it than that.
◦ The Seeker Archetype, as we know, is the Archetype that is cultivated by More/King Hythlodaeus V, who is Will’s father. Will awakens to the Seeker Archetype linage first, and not the Prince. So while More isn’t a party member, Will is. So technically speaking, out of all of the Royal Archetype requirements, this makes Eupha the only one that needs a linage that was awaken by a fellow Party Member.
◦ Will (knowing that he is the Prince) and Eupha had both lost their parents, obviously. And both of them have ties with the greater lore of the entire game as a whole, which depicts stories of the old world that was once humankind (which is what Eldas are). Eupha has a sworn duty to fight alongside the Dragon God: Eht, Dragons are made of pure Magla. With the revelation that Will is the Archetype of the Prince given a human form, he too is a being a pure Magla. Which is why Eupha was able to speak through his mind during her introduction. Just as Eupha is meant to fight alongside the beloved god, Eupha also finds herself fighting alongside another being made of Magla. This plot point compliments itself further with the Dragon Trial’s (which were made for the protagonist) in mind.
◦ As for More, it’s the same thing as Will, he is the Archetype form of King Hythlodaeus V who was killed by Louis at the start of the story. How do Eupha and More foil each other? The main difference between them is that Hythlodaeus lost hope because of the death of his wife and the lost of his son. He sought his own death and used the Royal Magic in hopes that he could make someone into a better king than he was. While Eupha was convinced her whole life that her life was meant to be sacrificed for the sake of her village. Eupha eventually breaks free from this mindset and awakens to her Archetype. Eupha did what More could not in her lifetime, find hope and a reason to live.
◦ The Elite forms of the Summoner and Seeker Archetypes are both named after the Atlus related games: Devil Summoner and Soul Hacker respectively.
◦ And it’s just Eupha herself says in game, she, like Will has the power to journey into the unknown world. An unknown future. Will had the power to awaken this resolve in her, and with it, blossom potential love between the two.
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⁃ Basilio and Catherina; the Paripus’ Royal Berserker soul:
◦ Basilio and Catherina are both Paripus with rough dispositions on the surface, but both prove to be earnest people. They both initially had reasons to oppose the protagonist at first; Basilio was working with Louis, the one who killed the king. While Catherina, who is a fellow candidate. has no hard feelings towards Will, but she wants to become Queen to help the future of the Paripus. Both eventually see the folly of what they were doing and eventually turn coat (Basilio joins the team after his brother’s death, while Catherina drops out of the race because her folks were crossing a line she wouldn’t have).
◦ The Berserker and Brawler Archetypes both revolve around physical strike attacks and dishing out as much damage as possible. Notice how Berserker doesn’t use HP like Brawler does. Basilio may be of the Berserker Archetype, but when he is calm, Basilio is a lot more insight than it would seem. As he is the first person to truly question if what Louis is doing is truly right for him and his brother, and the future of those that can’t fend for themselves. Catherina is much more reckless in comparison. And it takes seeing how her race to become Queen becomes a risk for Paripus to go the extreme to get ahead to see that what she is doing might bring more harm than good.
◦ Even their Follower Stories are mainly different with some similarities being that it’s about Basilio and Catherina stopping their fellow tribesmen from crossing further lines. At least Catherina was able to convince followers to walk down a better path eventually, but Basilio isn’t as fortunate. As he was forced to put Vinca down.
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⁃ Will; the prince’s path to be king:
◦ 9/24 reveals that Will is a living breathing Archetype created from the Prince’s wish to travel the world and lead the kingdom to peace. The Seeker Archetype was the first Archetype to awaken in Will. It embodies the very essence of this game’s themes to explore the unknown without fear.
◦ As Will journey continues, and he eventually learns who he really is, the Prince Archetype embodies the Ruler Archetype from Carl Jung’s 12 Archetypes (which is what the aforementioned powers are based on). And based on Carl Jung’s take on the Ruler Archetype, it also falls in line with the themes of what makes a good king.
◦ In contrast to his father; as the previous king, gave up on his hope that he had for the Kingdom. As such, by leaving most of the circumstances in Forden’s hands, Louis lost all faith in him and decides to kill him. Will becomes king and defeats Louis by staying true to his ideals.
◦ Although the Prince Archetype is its own Archetype, it takes after the Seeker Archetype in many ways. It has the same One Handed Sword usage, the same Hero Passive in Cooperative Chase, and has the most Synthesis access in the game. However, Seeker doesn’t have Synthesis Synergy with the Summoner Archetype (ironic given that Will and Eupha are the most romantic coded relationship in the game). Eupha’s Arc contains the most truth about the old world in all of Euchronia. We get the full truth about the old world after Will awakens to his true Archetype, which can perform Synthesis Skills and grant them between all Archetypes. This is when Will and Eupha’s bond is at its strongest.
The fact that so much intention to detail that comes with the Archetypes and the Followers is the type of writing talent that I have come to expect from Atlus.
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metaphorwritings · 3 months ago
Do you have any headcanons for Strohl with a very physically affectionate partner?? Bro's so pretty I just want to kiss his hand like the pretty princess he is
Metaphor Headcanons #2
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-. Oh, I was waiting for this one!!!
-. Okay, so lemme just say that Strohl is a man who can do both when it comes to affection.
-. Allow me to explain.
-. When you and Strohl first started seeing each other officially, he was a MESS!!!
-. In private, like, hand holding and little kisses, and he'd blush, he'd stutter, y'know cute shit!
-. But in public, this boy is bright red!!!
-. If you take his hand in public, he will freeze up and just allow you to drag him wherever you'd like.
-. If you kissed his cheek or any part of him for that matter, he would try and kind the growing blush on his cheeks with the collar of his jacket
-. But it's not to say he doesn't like it!
-. Hell no!
-. In fact, he likes when you show off your affection towards him.
-. He always felt comfort in your little touches, because he hasn't had anything so tender like that since his parents passed.
-. Oh, and he LOVES it when you gently caress his clemar horns!!!
-. And if you start playing with his long fingers, or kissing the knuckles of his calloused hands, looking into his eyes?
-. K.O.!
-. This man will be weak in the knees for the rest of the day with butterflies in his stomach!
-. Safe to say, he's a touch starved baby.
-. He also has no idea what he's doing when it comes to affection.
-. Like, he has no idea what he's doing the first couple of times you two would cuddle or anything like that.
-. He's so used to just doing friendly touches like handshakes and shoulder punches that he's a moron when it comes to the romantic stuff.
-. He's so nervous to make it awkward and shit.
[Spoilers ahead!!!]
-. Now, I've listed all of the bashfulness that is Leon Strohl da Haliaetus, and I know what you're thinking
-. "Didn't you say he can do both?"
-. Yeah, this man is POSSESSIVE!!!
-. I think Strohl being the stubborn, hard-headed guy he is...
-. The guy who literally wanted to square up with Louis when they were trying to act like his best buddies in front of ALLLLL OF HIS SUBORDINATES...
-. Oh, he would definitely get jealous easily if he caught someone looking at you funny
-. If he catches some random drunkard trying to flirt and get cozy with you? He puts his arm around you and pulls you in closer to him.
-. If someone is staring at you in a way he doesn't like? Expect two kinds of kisses depending on the situation :
-. Kisses on the back of your hands at formal events...
-. And super, steamy, passionate ones on the lips in front of people he REEEEAAALLY doesn't like.
-. One minute you are chatting with Hulkenberg about the food at this event, or Heismay is telling you an old story of his and then BAM!
-. Strohl turns you around and is kissing you, with tongue, one hand on your cheek, the other groping your ass.
-. He wants that person he hates so much to look at what he's doing to you in public and he LOVES it when you kiss back and hold him close.
-. Hulkenberg and Heismay be like : 😶
-. Then, to reassure Strohl everything is alright, you always cup his face with both of hands, get him to lean down to your height...
-. Or look up if you're tall!
-. And you nuzzle your nose against his
-. And this man's heart is about to explode
-. Speaking of comfort, Strohl likes to have you close to him if he starts having nightmares about his home town being burnt to the ground.
-. He just wants you to keep holding him close and running your fingers through his hair, whispering words of affirmation to him.
-. Strohl is a big fan of tiny kisses.
-. His favourite places are his nose, his neck and his cheek.
-. And when Strohl is away from you for a long time, this man will kick the door and rush at you and pick you up and spin you around and later just let you play with his horns while his head is on your lap.
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lovehotelreservation · 2 months ago
When you're kidnapped by your estranged and very toxic religious family and promised to be Wed to a corrupt sanctist Noble obsessed with purity, what's the best way to cancel the wedding and finally cut your toxic lineage behind? your ever reliable friend and beloved Strohl has an idea to get that disownment and annulment speed run going .(Alter sex. Mating press in a church, caught by priest and fiance)
There were so many eyes on you.
The horrified ones of the priest, wondering the hellish depths of scandal this would plummet the church into.
The angered ones of your fiancé, furious that his property was being vandalized yet much too hesitant to even try and put a stop to matters.
The passive ones of God himself, silently spectating from above.
But the only pair of eyes that mattered most to you, who captivated, held, and possessed your attention were the impassioned grey ones currently gazing directly into yours.
You were most familiar and most comforted by those eyes, how they would flash defiantly in face of any foe regardless of strength or status, how they would soften as he reminisced about Halia and his parents.
So rebellious yet so tender--the qualities that defined Leon Strohl da Haliaetus for you.
As his hand delicately cupped your cheek while bringing his lips to yours for the sweetest of kisses, by contrast his hips continued to pummel against yours, the obscene and sticky wet noises of sweat-slicked skin meeting skin defiling the hallowed halls of St. Fermis Church.
Though from Strohl's point of view, what reason was there to maintain respect for an institution that encouraged, protected, and even rewarded selfishly nefarious scum such as your fiancé, who viewed your maidenhood as a prize to be collected?
The mere idea infuriated him the moment that your engagement was announced.
His teeth grit together as he suddenly felt compelled to drive his cock into you even harder, his balls smacking against your ass in heavy slaps as he was compelled to flood your core yet again with his release, the ground of the altar already desecrated with a growing pool of his seed.
He could hear the stumble of the priest as he was suddenly shoved away by your fiancé, who stormed off while raving about how he would see both you and Strohl ruined for your disrespect. Though, by the stammer of his voice, he wondered if he happened to catch a glimpse of the daunting aura of his Archetype.
Not that it mattered to him anyhow.
Not while what he cherished most in the entirety of this world was finally in his arms.
Hearing the soft and sweet mewl of his name from below, Strohl groaned as he wrapped his arms around your body, hugging you close with the intention of never letting you go. With his lips seeking out your neck, he breathlessly affirmed,
"As I swear and as I promise: not to any man, not to any god, you are mine and I am yours."
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malunedyne · 29 days ago
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Well, yes of course, Strohl
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elionwriter · 1 month ago
Metaphor: ReFantazio thoughts on tropes and characters and how they stand up vs the Persona games
I know, nobody asked for my take, and I haven't actually written a take on just about anything for the past year or so as I find myself in the middle of my greatest block ever. But who knows, maybe giving my two cents will help me get out of it.
I just recently finished the game on ps4 and I actually started a new playthrough on game+ mode, and I must say it really is great! Similar enough to the other Persona games to find my footing but novel enough to be excited and curious about it. The art in particular, I found captivating and I loved how the prologue cutscene already gave me the gist of the story. It's a rush to the throne in a very unstable country. I love when stories are clear from the get go on their intent, because that means you can then toss as many twists and turns to the plot as you wish, like this game does, without risking of losing the point. And a point is very, very clearly made across the game. If it wasn't clear enough from the title alone, this story is a metaphor to our world's political and emotional state. Actually, I feel like the main theme of this game and the one of P5/P5R are analogue and complementary. Even through some corney dialogue and unlikely scenarios, I feel both games tell us something very important: even in a moment where disillusionment and nihilism are peaking and the political class seems to be greedy, self indulgent and corrupt more than ever, we all have the choice and the duty to take arm against it and pull the reigns to our own individual paths and say no to it. Because even if you are the lowest outcast out there, you can still make a difference for yourself and those around you, however tiny, and that may inspire others and ripple out in unexpected ways. P5 tells us to rebel against the powers that be, and ReFantazio pushes us to not let the fear and anxiety of the unstable world around stop us from trying. I think that is very important to hear, no matter how simple and seemingly obvious it might seem. Videogames, more than any other medium, have the power to make us feel more the impact of the story through our choices and their outcome since we as players are literally at the steering wheel and into the protagonist's shoes.
In less philosophical terms, one of my favourite things about the game is that our silent protagonist FINALLY isn't so silent anymore. God, I'm so glad 'Will' actually has voice lines. One of the things I like less (which becomes more obvious mid/late game) is how certain activities are purely locked to the gauntlet runner and to certain moments on the gauntlet runner. So, say I maxed out all my royal attributes and none of my friends is up for chats, I can't go to the gauntlet runner to do laundry, clean up, plant, cook or the likes because it's not running, so I practically have nothing to do. And that's without bringing into the mix fishing and bathing in the hot tub, which become increasingly hard activities to do. Also, if there is a way to change Archetype mid-battle, I have not discovered it yet, which is not ideal. And if I can have one more complaint, but this is more towards all Atlus games and maybe RPGs in general, the end battles become, from a story perspective, a bit of a mood killer, to me. Like, I can only take you, big bad villain, seriously up till the 2nd time you tell me that you have more power to show me. WHY DIDN'T YOU BRING YOUR A GAME IN THE FIRST 3 ROUNDS OF COMBAT, EVEN AFTER YOU SAID YOU WOULD NOT HOLD BACK ANYMORE?! I feel like this breaks the tension for me instead of heightening it and I feel like the message of the story starts getting shoved down my throat. We get it Louis! You'll stop at nothing, ok man, you want to destroy the world. Sheesh.
Beyond that, it's great. Talking about final battles, the 'secret boss' and the revelation of who 'that' major character had been all along really caught me by surprise. Actually, all the characters are really good in this game, not just your teammates. One of my biggest qualms with P3R was that I really didn't care for most social links and that felt somewhat true for P4 and P5 too (I'm looking at you, Drunken journalist) but here, I can't say there is anyone I didn't care to know better. You really feel for characters like Brigitta or Alonzo and others like Maria really warm your heart, with Bardon you see the crash that's about to happen and Neuras, good ol' Neuras, is just a guaranteed good laugh, not to mention that you are very well rewarded for quickly deepening these bonds.
But protagonist aside (which I feel Joker still might take the cake for me, even though Will has come neck to neck) this may be my favourite party yet. Up till now, P4 held the golden medal in that regard, but Strohl and Hulkenberg have tipped the scale in Metaphor's favour. Gallica is a great companion (waaaay better than both Morgana and Teddie), Hulkenberg is hilarious (the fact she doesn't intend to be funny makes it even better), Heismay and Basilio make my heart bleed out, Junah is a kick-ass energy bomb and Eupha is the tender sweetheart that rounds everything out. And Strohl? He instantly became my favourite Atlus character. It's like he has all in one my favourite traits of P3's Akihiko, P5's Ryuji and especially all the best ones of P4's Yosuke without their short comings. He's smart, empathic, determined, brave, loyal, noble-spirited and outspoken without coming off as 'too perfect to be relatable'. He really steals the spotlight for me. Also, much like Yosuke/Yu and Joker/Ryuji, Will/Stroll have a great chemistry and balanced energy. You can definitely see why these characters immediately bond and befriend each other with such fierceness.
I'm actually really glad that unlike the Persona games, Metaphor steered away from romance and actually feel like that touch they added towards the end with Eupha really was shoe-horned in and would have been better cut off entirely. And that has nothing to do with Eupha herself, since, like I said, I really like her as a character.
As for Will himself, I like how sweet and cute he is and how fundamentally different his 'silent personality' is compared to the other protagonists. Like, Joker is the menace who's silent only to drop bombs and one-liners at the best (worst!) moments and burn you down with a death glare. Yu is silent because he is just such a chill and unflinching guy. Makoto is silent because, well.....he's a dead man walking. But Will? It almost breaks my heart how Will learned to use silence and his small stature to basically turn himself invisible since he lives in a world ready to hate, hurt and berate him simply for being an Elda and so disappearing and not causing problems becomes his best shot at survival. And then, later on, this trait becomes a metaphor itself for the kind of King he is: someone who is more prone to listen to the needs of his people than a figure of grand speeches and ego like Forden, Louise and most of the other candidates. Also, I love that he is 'Fantasy personified', a walking dream made of magic, and that as he becomes his own person he goes from Reader to Writer, from creation to creator of other, new fantasies and to new, evolving utopias. Also, it's of little consequence, but there is just so much personality packed into his little running animation as he goes ahead beckoning his friends to follow, and I like it very, very much.
One last thing I'll say, but just because I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, is that I found a LOT of comparisons between this game and another, even more than the other Persona games. That's Final Fantasy X. Think about it: The protagonist who's a walking dream; an ancient civilization run by machinery that disappeared almost overnight; Eupha like Yuna being a 'Summoner', a holy figure and an anchor point for her people who's willing to sacrifice herself for their sake but then learns that her world view was wrong and she can better serve everyone by living on; Sanctism and the Faith of Yevon committing horrible acts by discriminating entire groups of people, covering up their deeply corrupted core, brainwashing people into blind submission and Covering up major historic events; a mixed party that brings together all the different races and religions of the world (almost in ffx's case); heck I would say that even Seymour and Louis share a lot of similarities especially in their background; and obviously the flying battleship that takes you anywhere you need to go and up to the final battle. In both stories, the final battle isn't the end but just the beginning of a long and hard road to recovery and reconstruction. I can't be the only one to see that, right?
Anyway, this post has gone on long enough. I doubt that anyone has followed me up to this point, but if you have, thank you so much for reading and let me know in the comments what you think.
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khys-treasure-box · 27 days ago
AN: I know I don't have Metaphor on my fandom list or anything yet, but GOOD GOD I needed to yap about Strohl so bad. I was on the verge of internally combusting before I started writing this, I swear it. I need to talk about this man. He's completely taken over my brain. No thoughts, just Strohl. Also, I am so sorry that this is somehow my longest post. Apparently being horny on main is my secret to writing more. :') /hj
CW: Just some good ol' hornyposting with Strohl! That being said, MDNI is not a suggestion, it is a requirement. <3 If I catch any of you kiddos in my notifications, you will be blocked on sight!
Reader is Fem/AFAB, but not given any pronouns. There's a little bit of purely fluffy stuff at the beginning that transitions into the horny stuff. I'll be honest, I'm keeping this fairly tasteful since this is my first time writing anything smutty on here and I gotta find my flow before I start writing crazy style, so just don't go in expecting it to be super graphic description-wise. As far as any other need to knows here, Strohl kinda has a breeding kink but he doesn't understand it as such, description of edging without the use of the word itself, and cum is explicitly said exactly once.
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I know in my heart that Strohl would be a wonderful partner. Definitely the classic chivalrous type; always opens the door for you, pulls your chair out for you, and will treat you with hardly a second thought. Anything he could do that would make you happy, he would find a way to do it. He loves you so dearly and earnestly that it probably makes other people around you two atleast a tad envious.
That all being said, I also know in my heart that he's just as lovely in bed. When I tell you he is an absolute sweetheart about every single part of the process, I mean it. From getting undressed to cleaning up afterwards, he's an absolute angel with you. His first priority, above all else, is always that you feel reassured and comfortable, so he's sure to shower you in kisses and compliments through it all. The way he runs his hands along your skin is almost reverent in nature; it's like he's touching the most valuable thing in the entire world.
He doesn't just simply have sex with you either, he makes love to you. Every single time. You can't ever do quickies for the sole reason that he just can't stand the thought of not being able to give himself, body and soul, completely to you. Fast and hard just isn't really something he does. He will, however, go deep. Not a single thrust from him is ever shallow or halfhearted because there is nothing that satisfies him more than feeling you in your entirety. Well, nothing other than your pleasure. Knowing you feel good and that it's because of him is beyond intoxicating to Strohl.
Oh, and please do call him Leon. He already adores it when you call him by first name in general, but hearing it while you're in the throes of pleasure is equally delightful. He's so used to everyone else calling him Strohl that hearing you call him Leon is an almost dizzying reminder that you and him share a relationship that he has with no one else. There is no one else that makes him feel this way, just as there is no one else that can make you feel this way. He, Leon Strohl da Haliaetus, is the sole reason for your state of bliss.
In fact, he places so much value on your pleasure that he will actively deny himself the ability to finish until he knows you have. To him, it simply wouldn't feel as good if he did it before you. The feeling he gets from you squirming and squeezing him as you tip over that metaphorical edge is just... unmatched. If he's going to cum, it has to be because of that.
Speaking of which, he thinks it to be a bit shameful, but he honestly finds the idea of burying himself to the hilt and filling you with his release rather exciting. Of course, he wouldn't dare do such a thing without your permission, it would be risky to do so, but that certainly doesn't stop him from thinking about it. Sometimes, it doesn't stop him from asking if, just this time, he could please do it inside. He knows it risks the two of you ending up with a child, but gods above, his craving for this is strong. The pure ecstasy that would come from your warmth wrapped around him as he lets all that pent-up arousal finally come out is so tempting. The thought of how you'd look after, the vivid mental image he has of you dripping with a mix of your combined fluids after he pulls out, doesn't do his desperation any favors either.
Sure, he may end up being a father a tad earlier than planned if you let him do it, but it would be worth it, wouldn't it?
(Whether or not this fixation of his, somewhere deep down, has anything to do with his aspirations to rebuild Halia, and by extension, his noble house, is your guess. He honestly more than likely couldn't give you a solid answer even if you asked.)
The way he cares for you after everything is said and done is arguably the sweetest part of it all though. Even if he's run himself ragged, he'll hardly hesitate in getting up to run a bath so both of you can get cleaned up after all this excitement. He'll probably end up pampering you while you're in there too, so long as you'll let him. Strohl is a very service-oriented lover, so he does wholeheartedly enjoy being helpful to you. However, if he's honest, he loves it even more when you pamper him in return. It just makes his heart feel so full to not only simply share the space of the bath together, but to share the act of it too.
After you've had your bath, typically all that's left for you two is a night of cuddles and peaceful rest. Maybe a quick meal beforehand if you aren't both totally exhausted. <3
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marshsano · 2 months ago
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i like my good buddy leon strohl. give me ten more of him, and we can take the throne.
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ascorpiosramblings · 1 month ago
Its Always You
Whenever it's early twilight I watch 'til a star breaks through Funny, it's not a star I see It's always you
The sky and the stars were not an unfamiliar sight. A noble once considered to be among them evacuated because of an inevitable disaster. Strohl still remembered how his parents danced under the brilliant moonlight illuminating their humble estates gardens. It was as if the stars themselves determined that his parents were meant for one another. The midnight sky their spotlight, the quiet of the night more melodious and romantic than any ballroom. His father would hold his mother like she was all he ever needed in life, the roses an audience to their promise to love until their bitter ends. He saw it all, the gentle kisses, the sweet nothings, the way their hands fit the others perfectly. "Its always you" That is what his father whispered to the woman he so cherished.
Whenever I roam through roses And lately, I often do Funny, it's not a rose I touch It's always you
He rested his back against his quarter. The cold wall and hard bed a far cry from the former luxury he had as a Noble, now he was but a humble soldier determined to protect. He could see the night sky from the window, right outside accompanied by unruly rose bushes. Nothing as opulent as his past, but enough to remind him of his family. The parents who loved each other so much that even in death they didn't leave each others side. He remembered asking his father about love when he was a young boy, and he always was given the same answer. "No matter who you choose in life they should be someone you're willing to hold for all eternity". His father was a man of his world, even in death he was holding his mother. It was lonely without them. With no home left, Strohl had no one.
If a breeze caresses me It's really you strolling by If I hear a melody It's merely the way you sigh
"Strohl?" his head whipped around at the sound. So much had happened. With Grius gone, he felt the pain of loosing another... His promise to Maria- "Strohl??". He focused. He glanced at the heterochromic eyes analyzing every inch of his skin. Will. "Are you alright...?" "Yes-" "Liar". His back rested on the cold wall, he knew he was cornered. It was the same biting cold that no blanket could chase away holding him prisoner. His own personal prison of powerlessness reminding him of his status as a captive. The icy sting of the chains of his own incapability holding him there. He can't even face the man in front of him with how useless he felt. "It wasn't your fault you know? There wasn't anything that we could've done". He saw Will inch closer, a hesitant hand landing on his shoulder. It was a warm hand. Strohl glanced at Wills eyes. The two tones like warm sunlight and a tranquil midnight. His eyes were like the stars. They held dreams, determination...and hope. His hand pulled Strohl closer. He didn't protest. Warm. It was warm. His vision blurred with tears as his own hand pulled him closer. The only sound in the room was of their soft breath and silent tears. A night never spoken of again and one Strohl wouldn't forget.
Wherever you are, you're near me You dare me to be untrue Funny, each time I fall in love It's always you
They were in Martira now. The turbulence of the last few weeks culminating to twelve days of rest before they depart again. Strohl found himself on a stroll, taking in the views and the night sky. It was a nice place, the smell of grass after a day of rain providing a comforting cool breeze as he gazed at the blanket of stars covering the lands as far as the eye could see. Will was sitting near the cliff taking in the scenery. He stopped. The way moonlight framed the Eldas face, so perfectly that his thoughts came to a standstill. He truly was so beautiful, both inside and out. Will was his first friend, his first comrade. It was always him. Seeing him like this, the radiance that framed his features, so opulent that he might as well be royalty. And if he was, Strohl would follow him. Though in his heart, Will was already the king he'd follow. If it was to the stars or depths of hell he would follow his King. The spotlight of the moon highlighting the shine in Wills eyes as they fell on Strohl. There it was. That shine that rivalled stars. He could feel his heart picking up the pace and heat travelling to his ears. Beautiful is all what came to mind when he glanced at Will. Those eyes that had seen him vulnerable, that had seen him get up and are now seeing him like this. They were so beautiful. Part of him wished that they saw him as someone to keep forever. He wanted those eyes on him forever. Maybe this was more than just a friendship. More than just a comrade. More than a master and their follower. Strohl made his way to sit next to Will. The thoughts in his heart boxed to be dealt with for another day with only one thought left in his heart. Its always Will.
Thank you to @loveless-in-nowheresville for the idea, hope you liked it!!!
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kenny-the-blink · 2 months ago
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geckosliktheireyes · 4 hours ago
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yeah uhm.. so Will was asleep for most of his life right? Yeah so.. when he merges with Prince he gets even smaller and lighter and looses some muscle mass .’ It does normal things to Strohl.
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spiritmatsu · 2 months ago
Will and Strohl Christmas Battlers
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Merry Christmas~ Threw together a quick Will and Strohl animation. Imagine them battling with a Christmas tree and a candy cane.
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